Please click the individual company name below for contact details of that company. Companies that allow investors to register on our website are highlighted in bold and italic.
Narwhal Group Limited
Contact: | Luke Sartain |
Web: | www.nmg.group |
Address: |
2 Marsh Road Bristol BS3 2NA |
Neo Energy Metals plc
Contact: | Jason Brewer |
Web: | www.neoenergymetals.com |
Address: |
27-28 Eastcastle Street London W1W 8DH |
Net Zero Infrastructure plc
Contact: | Mike Ellwood |
Tel: | 01407749219 |
Web: | www.nziplc.com |
Address: |
C/o 1 Charterhouse Mews London EC1M 6BB |
New Dawn Metals Limited
Contact: | Charles Douglas-Hamilton |
Address: |
Optiva Resources Ltd 7 Harp Lane London EC3R 6DP |
Nostra Terra Oil and Gas Company plc
Contact: | Paul Welch |
Web: | www.ntog.co.uk |
Address: |
Finsgate 5-7 Cranwood Street London EC1V 9EE |
Web: | www.nostradamusconsulting.com |
Address: |
Oberon Investments Group Plc
Contact: | Simon McGivern |
Web: | https://oberoninvestments.com/ |
Address: |
Nightingale House 65 Curzon Street London W1J 8PE |
Octagonal Limited
Contact: | Nilesh Jagatia |
Tel: | 0207 048 9400 |
Web: | www.octagonalplc.com |
Address: |
C/O Global Investment Strategy UK 200 Aldersgate Street London EC1A 4HD |
Okullo Limited
Contact: | Guy Meyer |
Web: | www.intandemfilmsplc.com |
Address: |
3 Rock Street Brighton England BN2 1NF |
One Media IP Group plc
Contact: | Michael Infante |
Tel: | 01753 785500 |
Web: | www.ompplc.com |
Address: |
623 East Props Building Pinewood Studios Pinewood Road Iver Bucks SL0 0NH |
OptiBiotix Health plc
Contact: | David Blain |
Web: | www.optibiotix.com |
Address: |
Innovation Centre Innovation Way Heslington York YO10 5DG |
Oriole Resources plc
Contact: | Bob Smeeton |
Tel: | 020 7830 9650 |
Web: | www.orioleresources.com |
Address: |
180 Piccadilly London W1J 9HF |
Contact: | Justine Dowds |
Web: | www.otaq.com |
Address: |
8-3-4 Harpers Mill South Road White Cross Lancaster England LA1 4XF |
Pacific Global Holdings plc
Contact: | Nilesh Jagatia |
Tel: | 0207 467 1700 |
Web: | www.pacificglobalholdingsplc.com |
Address: |
2nd Floor 2 London Wall Buildings London EC2M 5PP |
Petards Group plc
Contact: | Helen Morris / Benjamin Gillam |
Tel: | 01483 230345 |
Web: | www.petards.com |
Address: |
Parallel House 32 London Road Guildford Surrey GU1 2AB |
Phoenix Global Resources Limited
Contact: | Alex Maculus |
Tel: | 02079691828 |
Web: | www.phoenixglobalresources.com |
Address: |
1st Floor 62 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6AJ |
Pineapple Power Corporation plc
Contact: | Clive De Larrabeiti |
Web: | www.pineapple-powercorp.com |
Address: |
52 Kinsgway Place Sans Walk London EC1R 0LU |
Plutus Powergen plc (SERVICES SUSPENDED)
Contact: | Nick Lee |
Address: |
. |
Polarean Imaging plc
Contact: | Chuck Osborne |
Web: | www.polarean.com |
Address: |
2500 Meridian Parkway Suite 175 Durham NC 27713 USA |
Pri0r1ty Intelligence Group PLC
Contact: | Daniel Maling; James Sheehan |
Web: | www.pri0r1ty.com |
Address: |
28 Austin Friars London England EC2N 2QQ |
Primorus Investments plc
Contact: | Simon Holden |
Web: | http://www.primorusinvestments.com/ |
Address: |
48 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1JF |
Pristine Capital Plc
Contact: | Charles Goodfellow |
Tel: | 0207 220 9791 |
Web: | www.pristinecapitalplc.com |
Address: |
42 Upper Berkeley Street London W1H 5QL |
ProBiotix Health plc
Contact: | Mark Collingbourne |
Tel: | 020 7933 8780 |
Web: | www.probiotixhealth.com |
Address: |
Walbrook PR Ltd 75 King William Street London EC4N 7BE |